
St Michael Catholic Primary School & Nursery

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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Like all mainstream schools, we have a proportion of children with Special Educational Needs or disabilities (S.E.N.D). We are very experienced in being able to include children of all abilities and all needs into our school and helping them reach their full potential. We have a dedicated Special Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO) and an Assistant SENDCo to support both pupils with SEND and their parents/carers.


If you need to contact our SENDCo directly, please contact Mrs Davis 


The admission of pupils with an EHCP is dealt with by the local authority SEND officer. Details of this procedure are set out in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. If a candidate has an EHCP the applicant must contact their local authority SEN officer.


The admission of pupils with a specific medical need or disability is dealt with by the Governing Body in accordance with our Admissions Policy, which can be found of the Admissions page of our school website. Within each category of our oversubscription criteria, priority is given to pupils with an exceptional social, medical or pastoral need of the child which can most appropriately be met at this school (where evidence is provided at the time of application).


Disabled pupils are never treated less favourably than other pupils at St Michael's. Our physical environment, facilities, furniture and resources are adapted so that disabled pupils can access their learning environment and facilities such as toilets, entrance points and classrooms. Each year, we re-arrange the classroom locations with priority given to the needs of disabled pupils. The parents, staff, outside agencies and pupils are fully consulted on any disabled pupil's individual care and support.


For further information about Surrey’s Local Offer and information about services relating to special educational needs, disabilities, education and more in the local authority, please visit the following link.


Surrey Local Offer - SEND Surrey

