
St Michael Catholic Primary School & Nursery

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In Year Admissions



We welcome applications for children to join our waiting lists in years Reception to Year 6. Demand for places is very high and means that we are unable to accommodate every child that applies. 


The school's Governing Body has sole responsibility for admissions and each year publishes its Admissions Policy which specifies how Governors consider applications for admissions to the school. Before you make an application for the admission of your child, you are strongly advised to consider carefully the current Admissions Policy below. This sets out in detail how Governors manage the admissions process and the order of priority in which applications are considered. An understanding of the policy may assist you in avoiding the disappointment of a failed application.


If you wish to apply for your child to join Years Reception to Year 6, will need to complete an application to Surrey Local Authority (link below) and complete the school's Supplementary Information Form with supporting documents and return these to the school.


  • The school's Supplementary Information Form (SIF) - (available below). A Certificate of Baptism (if applicable)A Certificate of Catholic Practice (if applicable)


Please return the SIF and supporting documentation to the school by hand and ensure you receive a receipt.


We will aim to respond to an in year application within 10 school days and no longer than 15 school days.


If the unlikely event that there is no waiting list and provided that there is a vacancy the candidate will be admitted. If there is a waiting list, then applications will be ranked by the Governing Body in accordance with the oversubscription criteria at section 2 of the current Admissions Policy.


If a place cannot be offered at this time the applicants will be provided with the reasons and will be informed of a right of appeal and given the opportunity of being placed on our waiting list. Each time a new child is added to the waiting list, the list will be re-ranked in order of the over subscription criteria. The waiting list will be maintained by the Governing Body in the order of the over subscription criteria and not in the order in which the applications are received. Names are removed from the waiting list at the end of each academic year unless applicants confirm they wish to remain on the list.


When a place becomes available the Governing Body will decide who is at the top of the waiting list and make an offer.


Any change in circumstances must be notified to the School in writing. Applicants may be asked to provide proof of address.
