
St Michael Catholic Primary School & Nursery

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Zones of Regulation

During the school day, we use the Zones of Regulation to help us regulate our own feelings and emotions. If we manage to do this well, we can:

  • remain calm and organised
  • cheer ourselves up after a disappointment 
  • understand when to to be quiet and when to be loud
  • detect how others are feeling
  • solve problems
  • make good behaviour choices
  • use the same language as our friends to describe emotions
  • have strategies to move between the zones


There is no 'bad zone', we all experience each zone at different times and we can be in more than one zone at a time. Our response to being in each zone is what counts and we learn how to make good choices, remembering that the size our reaction should match the size of the problem!

During the day, we can have the chance to show our teacher which zone we are in and they can help us with the strategies we need. 


