‘Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there with them’
Prayer is central to the life of St. Michael’s.
Children at St Michael’s experience and explore a variety of methods of prayer, such as:
The Aims of Collective Worship
We believe that Collective Worship in St. Michael’s aims to provide opportunity for all pupils and staff:
• To learn through the four ‘Languages’ of religious literacy; doctrine, story, liturgy and morality and to learn and love traditional Catholic prayers
• To understand that prayer also comes in many forms including Meditation
• To know and be familiar and confident with responses in liturgy, including the Mass
• To contemplate something of the mystery of God
and the reality of God with us
• To reflect on spiritual and moral issues
• To explore their own beliefs
• To respond and celebrate life
• To experience a sense of belonging and develop community spirit
• To develop a common ethos and shared values and virtues
• To enrich and widen religious experience in our own Faith and respect other faiths
• To reinforce positive attitudes through living and sharing the Gospel
• To participate fully to take time out ‘to wonder at’ ‘to come to terms with’ and ‘to give worth to’ so developing the children’s experiences in Awe and Wonder through the Mysteries of God.
Prayer should be a real turning to God for all situations in the classroom. There is need for the basic formal prayers, such as ‘The Sign of the Cross’ and the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ but the real task is to encourage the children to be comfortable in prayer and to see prayer as natural.
Later when prayer is seen as being integrated into each day, more formal ways of praying should be encouraged so that each pupil can explore and develop ways of praying that are suited to his/her personality and needs.
At St Michael's all children are welcomed to participate in daily worship. We gather together at Masses, liturgies, and through whole-school and in-class worship.
Our collective worship is based on the 4-part structure:
· Gather
· Listening
· Responding
· Going Forth
Traditional prayers should be taught to all pupils, however, below is a list of prayers related to developmental stages:
Reception-The Sign of the Cross; Morning and Night Prayers; Grace before and after Meals; and begin to learn Hail Mary and the Our Father.
Year 1- Glory Be and learn Hail Mary and the Our Father.
Year 2- Act of Sorrow and Walk With Me
Year 3- Act of Contrition, Eternal Rest and prayers before and after Holy Communion.
Year 4- Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity, St. Michael Prayer, The Benedictus and know the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary.
Year 5- Confiteor, Memorare, the Magnificant and Prayer Of thanks Giving.
Year 6- The Apostles Creed, The Angelus and Stations Cross and Prayer of Divine Praises.