
St Michael Catholic Primary School & Nursery

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Remote Education

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.


We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, to subjects that are more practical in nature such as PE, Music, Art & Design and Design and Technology.


The aims and expectations for Remote Learning are set out in our Remote Learning Policy. This applies to pupils that need to self-isolate due to COVID or larger groups that are accessing their education remotely. 


We will use Microsoft Teams as a tool to teach the children remotely. We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We will provide a laptop or provide hard copies of the assignments to those children that may not have suitable online access at home. We encourage parents and carers to contact the school to arrange this if necessary. 


A Flexible Approach

Our aim is that remote learning can be flexible enough to suit your individual circumstances at home. Some children, for example, will have access to a device that they can use all day, some may need to share with siblings. Some children will have an adult available to support their learning throughout the day, others will need to be more independent and rely more on regular teacher input. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution so we have tried to build in flexibility so your child could either have a structured day, with regular teacher interaction or a more flexible day where they can access recordings and resources and complete their work according to your own schedule.


A Blended Approach

Our aim is to provide a blended approach so there is a mixture of live interaction between teachers and children alongside a selection of high-quality teaching resources for your child to access independently as they need to. These may include, for example, pre-recorded teaching demonstrations, links to other videos or web site resources. The classroom environment can never be replicated but our teachers are putting lots of thought and work into adapting the curriculum and their teaching to give your child the resources and input they need to learn. 


​​​​​​​Video Link

We have created a video to explain and demonstrate how remote learning will work.



Nursery and Reception classes will share learning tasks each day via Teams and Tapestry. These will include pre-recorded videos and resources for the children to follow. The learning will cover the EYFS Curriculum. There will also be a chance to have a weekly 'show and tell' with their teacher and some friends to celebrate and share their learning.


Years 1-6

Each year group has a weekly timetable. 





We expect all children to engage with remote learning and complete all their assignments. We will monitor their engagement closely and will get in touch with parents or carers if we have any concerns or can offer any further support.


Assignments & Feedback

The Teams Assignments function will enable your child to hand in their work once completed so the teacher can view it and provide individual feedback. 

  • The teacher will set 3 assignments each day: 1 English, 1 Maths and 1 other subject according to the timetable above.

  • Assignments will be posted at 7pm the evening before so you have a chance to read over them and prepare any resources you may need.

  • Supporting resources will be saved in each assignment. These may include pre-recorded videos by the teacher, powerpoints, links to websites, videos etc. You should, therefore, find it easier to locate all the resources you need for each assignment.

  • We would strongly encourage assignments to be ‘handed in’ as soon as they are completed, ideally on the same day. This may be a scan or picture of their work or a word document, for example.

  • TOP TIP: If you download the Teams app on your smart phone, the camera function can be used to take pictures or scan your child’s work to upload and hand in. If you have siblings, you can easily switch between accounts from the menu.

  • We recognise that it may be difficult for your child to complete all of their assignments each day so the ‘deadline’ for each assignment will be set for the following day so, for example, Monday’s assignments will be due by Tuesday. Even this deadline is just a guide. Work can still be handed in after the deadline.

  • Assignments may also take the form of quizzes for your child to complete.

  • Assignments handed in cannot be seen by other pupils.

  • Teachers will look at all work submitted and provide a brief, written comment as appropriate. After teachers have responded to work handed in, your child will receive a notification. Pupils do not need to write an acknowledgement in response. Where improvements or amendments have been suggested, the pupils do not need to inform the teacher that these have been addressed.

  • Links to online learning for PE, Music and Collective Worship will be posted on to the Teams channels on the day of these lessons, according to the timetable above. Pupils should take part in these lessons at home but no assignments will be set and no work will be handed in.

  • There are two assemblies each week, highlighted in purple. On Monday afternoon, a Whole School Assembly will be led by a member of the senior leadership team. All of the children, at home or at school are strongly encouraged to join. A Year group celebration assembly has also been timetabled to celebrate children’s efforts and share great learning. All children are strongly encouraged to join as a chance to see their classmates and keep in touch with their friends.


Teacher Support

We have organised staffing so that one class teacher in each year group will teach the children in school and one teacher in each year group is available to support pupils via Teams between 9.00am and 2.30pm

  • There are four 4 steps your child should take to access learning support from the teacher:

  1. Attend or watch the recording of the morning Teacher Input video call

  2. Look through the assignment resources e.g. pre-recorded videos, instructions, links to videos etc.

  3. Ensure your child attends the Teacher Check-In calls if they need help

  4. Post a message to the teacher on Teams. They will respond via posts or a video call

  • There will be two live group calls scheduled each day to support the group of pupils learning remotely. These are highlighted in green in the timetable.

  • Attendance at the morning Teacher Input Video call is very strongly encouraged. This is an opportunity for the teacher to explain the day’s assignments to the pupil’s learning remotely. It is very useful for the parents and carers of the pupils to also listen in, especially those of younger pupils, so they understand the assignments.

  • We understand that it may not be possible for every child to join the live morning input. The times have been staggered between year groups but there may be clashes with siblings, who may need to share a device or parents/carers may have other commitments at that time. All the calls will be recorded and saved in the posts to enable pupils to watch when they can.

  • A further live Teacher Check-in call is scheduled each afternoon, highlighted in green in the timetable. These are open ended and the focus may change each day depending on the learning. They may act as an opportunity for the teacher to explain the learning more deeply, answer questions and provide further support as needed. The attendance for your child is optional.

  • In between these times, the teacher will be on hand to support your child as needed. These sessions are highlighted in blue in the timetable. If your child requires support, you or your child can post a message on the posts.

  • Top tip – use the @ function to send a message directly to the teacher. In a message on posts, click @then begin to type the teacher’s email and it will pick up their name.


Additional Support for pupils with particular needs

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

  • Provide extra 1:1 calls with teachers or teaching assistants
  • Provide SEN interventions with 1:1 or small group calls with teachers or teaching assistants
  • Weekly check in calls with the SENDCo or senior member of staff
  • Provide differentiated work to pupils that need extra support


