Our mission statement ‘EXCELLENCE; ENRICHMENT; ENJOYMENT’ encapsulates what we aim to achieve at our school.
have a broad and balanced school curriculum that both engages and challenges our pupils so they achieve excellence and become enthusiastic, independent, lifelong learners.
The Gospel values and Christian virtues of friendship, responsibility, respect, self-respect, honesty, forgiveness, tolerance, justice, compassion, patience, generosity, empathy and tolerance are the golden thread that run through all of our teaching and all of our relationships. We uphold and teach our pupils about British values such as democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths.
We promote these values by our words and deeds; through daily acts of worship and by serving others. A wide range of sporting, creative and academic enrichment opportunities are offered so that every child is valued and can develop their God given talents. We work in partnership with parents to support every child’s personal development and to grow spiritually, emotionally and physically.