
St Michael Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Excellence  Enrichment  Enjoyment

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Headteacher’s Welcome


I would like to extend a warm welcome to you. Thank you for visiting our website, which I hope provides a window into our wonderful school. I joined St Michael's as a teacher since 2006 and have been headteacher since 2014. I am incredibly proud of our children and our school.

Saint Michael’s was established in 1953. In December 2022, we joined with 5 other local Catholic primary and secondary schools to form the Ascensions Catholic Academy Trust. We have two forms of entry in each year group and teach children from the age of 2 to 11. Our maintained Nursery was established in 2016 and, just like our school, is very successful.

Our school is part of the Diocese of Westminster and serves the parishes of Saint Michael, Ashford and Saint David, Stanwell. 

Our mission statement, ‘Excellence; Enrichment; Enjoyment’, encapsulates what we aim to achieve at our school. We have a broad and balanced curriculum that both engages and challenges our pupils so they achieve excellence and become enthusiastic, independent, lifelong learners. Our school curriculum is very bespoke to our children so that we raise their aspirations, develop their resilience and help them to become literate and articulate by the time they finish Year 6. Reading is a huge priority for us as we know that learning to read fluently and developing a love of reading opens up the curriculum, the world around us and improves our children's life chances in the long term. Our curriculum is extremely well planned and is taught by expert teachers in a school with outstanding facilities and resources. 

The Gospel values and Catholic virtues of friendship, responsibility, respect, self-respect, honesty, forgiveness, tolerance, justice, compassion, patience, generosity, empathy and tolerance are the golden thread that run through all of our teaching and all of our relationships. We uphold and teach our pupils about British values such as democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and those without a faith. We promote these values by our words and deeds; through daily acts of worship and by serving others. Our school is inclusive and our fundamental belief is that each child is unique and made in the image of God. We form extremely strong partnerships with parents to ensure each child flourishes during the time they spend at our school.

Each child at our school will only flourish if they feel safe and secure. Our school is a happy, nurturing place to be and safeguarding our children is our highest priority. Our children, parents and staff all agree that our children feel safe and happy at school. This can be seen in the responses to the regular surveys we conduct. 

A wide range of sporting, creative and academic enrichment opportunities are offered so that every child is valued and can develop their God-given talents. We work in partnership with parents to support every child’s personal development and to grow spiritually, emotionally and physically.

I am extremely proud to be the headteacher of a thriving, caring school community with supportive and dedicated staff, governors, parents and pupils.

Please take some time to explore this website to find out more about our school and follow us on twitter for regular updates about all the exciting things that go on @StMichaels1953  


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