Monday 4th January 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
Following the government’s announcement this evening, I write to confirm that from midnight tonight, St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery will be closed until at least the February half term.
As I am sure you can appreciate the school will need to organise the following: remote learning; places for vulnerable and children of critical workers; health and safety arrangements/premises arrangements.
Therefore, St Michael’s School and Nursery will be closed to ALL children tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January.
I do apologise for such short notice. We will not be setting any remote learning tomorrow, that will begin on Wednesday 6th January.
As I explained in my e-mail earlier this evening, the message is clear, we should all stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. We will be able to provide limited spaces for vulnerable children and children of critical workers. Earlier this evening I sent you information about these categories. If you believe that your child is vulnerable or at least one parent/carer is a critical key worker and you absolutely need your child to attend, please complete the survey below urgently, and no later than by midday tomorrow. Please remember that you should do all you can to keep your child at home so only complete the survey if you have nobody to care for them at home and it is absolutely necessary for your child to attend school.
Tomorrow afternoon, we will confirm whether your child has been allocated a place as a vulnerable child or a child of a critical worker. We will aim to open again for children who have been allocated a place on Wednesday 6th January.
All other children will be provided with remote learning from Wednesday, 6th January. More information on the logistics for your child’s remote learning will follow but please prepare by ensuring your child has access to their school Microsoft Office account, including Teams. Your child’s username and login were sent home in early September. If you do not have these, please email your child’s class teacher this evening or tomorrow morning. If you do not have access to the internet or to technology, please contact me and we may be able to assist.
If you receive Free School Meals, please be assured we will be liaising with our school caterer to make interim arrangements until we hear from the government what scheme school will be using during the new lockdown.
I understand the stresses and frustration that this late decision puts on all our families and staff, and thank all of you once again for your ongoing support for the school.
Kind regards,
Mr J. Lane, Headteacher
Request for school place - Critical Worker and Vulnerable children